Saturday Delivery To The Harlan House Easton

Today we made our double pickup and delivery to The Harlan House.  Unfortunately, the pickups were very light today but we weren't going to allow Harlan House family suffer because of it!  After we were done loading up all of the food donations, I ran around to the front of the store to go inside and do some shopping for them!  We picked up some of their favorite produce and some bakery items! :)

A HUGE SHOUT OUT goes to Eric AKA The Captain, Pop AKA The Pineapple Man, Tecora AKA The Carrot Cake Lady, and Nece AKA Owner of The Beast!  They have been helping us out week after week and they have been a TREMENDOUS help to us in carrying out the distribution of food at The Harlan House!  
Going forward in the near future, they will be helping us implement a new system for distributing the food to the residents there in an orderly fashion so that everyone receives a fair share.  May God bless them abundantly for stepping up to help out when they didn't have to.  And may God bless everyone at The Harlan House and all of the families we help through this ministry.  
If you've been questioning whether God exists, look no further than PSALM 34:6 MINISTRIES.  The Lord continuously works miracles through this organization.  It's His ministry.  We're just glad and grateful to be a part of it.

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