7 Families Blessed + Delivery To The Lutheran House Bethlehem

Giant Food Store in Forks Township called and WE ANSWERED!  Some nonprofits take days off but we DO NOT because as it turns out, people never stop being HUNGRY!  Go figure!  #nodaysoff  Jesus said that He never stops working just as His Father never stops working.  The Lord's work carries on!  Amen!

The Lord has blessed us ABUNDANTLY today with a HUGE pickup in donations and we were able to bless 7 families and a BIG delivery to the Lutheran House in Bethlehem!  

Normally I'm [Jonathan] at work during the week but since I had the day off I had the chance to meet with some of the residents at the Lutheran House and got to talk with them for a while.  What a blessing.  Such wonderful people they are and oh so grateful!  God bless all of them!

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